Thursday, April 25, 2013

Planting schedule zone 4

 Planting datesPlanting distances (in inches) 
VegetableStart seed indoorsPlant seed or plant outdoorsBetween rows, hand cultivatedBetween plantsDepth of seeding (inches)Amount to order
per 20 feet of row

"Packet" refers to average commercially-
packaged seed packet.
Asparagus April 15 - May 1
3612 - 186 - 8 (crowns)15 crowns
Beans, snap (bush) May 15 - July 118 - 243 - 41½ - 23 - 4 oz
Beans, snap(pole) May 15 - July 1364 - 61½ - 22 - 3 oz
Beans, dry shell May 1518 - 243 - 43 - 4 oz
Beans, lima May 15 - June 1018 - 244 - 63 - 4 oz
Beets April 15 - July 112 - 182 - 4½ - 11 packet
BroccoliMarch 1 - 15April 15 or June 124 - 3024¼ (indoors)1 packet or
9 plants
Brussels sproutsMarch 1 - 15April 15 or June 124 - 3024¼ (indoors)1 packet or
9 plants
Cabbage, earlyMarch 1 - 15April 1 - May 124 - 3018¼ (indoors)1 packet or
12 plants
Cabbage, lateApril 15 - May 1June 124 - 3024¼ (seedbed)1 packet or
9 plants
Cabbage, Chinese July 124 - 3018½1 packet
Carrots April 15 - June 1518 - 242 - 3¼1 packet
CauliflowerMarch 1 - 15April 15 or June 124 - 3018 - 24¼ (indoors)1 packet or
12 plants
CeleryFeb. 15 - March 1May 1518 - 2481/8 (indoors)1 packet or
24 plants
Chard, Swiss May 118 - 246 - 811 packet
Collards April 1524 - 366¼1 packet
Cucumbers May 1 - June 1548 - 6012 between single plants;
36 between hills of three
11 packet
EggplantMarch 15 - April 1June 124 - 3024¼ (indoors)1 packet or
9 plants
Endive April 1518 - 248 - 12½1 packet
Garlic Oct. 1 - Nov. 118 - 244 - 63 - 41 lb of cloves
Horseradish April 15 - May 124 - 3012 - 186 (roots)18 roots
Kale April 15 - July 1518 - 2412 - 18½1 packet
Kohlrabi April 15 - June 1 or
Aug. 1 - 15
18 - 246½1 packet
Lettuce, leaf April 15 - June 1 or
Aug. 1 - 15
12 - 184 - 6¼1 packet
Lettuce, headMarch 1 - 15April 15 - May 118 - 2412¼ (indoors)1 packet or
18 plants
Muskmelon May 15 - June 160 - 721811 packet
OkraMarch 15 - April 1June 124 - 3612 - 15½ (indoors)1 packet
Onion seeds April 1512 - 242½1 packet
Onion, transplantsFeb. 1 - 15April 1512 - 242 - 3½ (indoors)1 packet
Onion, sets April 1512 - 242 - 31 - 2½ lb
Parsley April 15 - May 112 - 244 - 6¼1 packet
Parsnips May 1 - 1518 - 243 - 4½1 packet
Peas April 10 - May 1518 - 2421 packet
PepperMarch 15 - April 1June 124 - 3618 - 24½ (indoors)1 packet or
12 plants
Potatoes, Irish April 15 - June 124 - 3012 - 184 (each piece)3 lb seed potatoes
Potatoes, sweetApril 15 (roots)June 136 - 4818 - 24 9 - 12 plants
Pumpkin May 10 - June 172 - 9624 - 36 between single plants;
60 - 72 between hills of three
1 - 21 packet
Radish April 10 - June 1 or
Aug. 1 - 15
6 - 121 - 2½1 packet
Rhubarb April 15 - May 136 - 4836 - 48 5 or 6 plants
Rutabaga May 15 - June 1518 - 248 - 12½1 packet
Spinach April 15 or Aug. 1 - 1512 - 183 - 4½1 packet
Squash, summer May 10 - June 124 - 3624 - 3611 packet
Squash, winter May 10 - June 172 - 9624 - 36 between single plants;
60 - 72 between hills of three
11 packet
Sweet corn May 10 - July 130121 - 21 packet
TomatoApril 1 - 15May 15 - June 124 - 3636 - 48¼ (indoors)1 packet or
6 - 8 plants
Turnip April 15 or Aug. 115 - 183 - 4½1 packet
Watermelon May 15 - June 160 - 7224 - 36 between single plants;
60 - 72 between hills of three
½1 packet

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