Thursday, April 25, 2013

Weeks schedule in zone 4

Though there is usually still several feet of snow on the ground March 1st, it marks the beginning of the gardening season. Though the ground will still be frozen for several weeks this is a great date to start vegetables from seed such as onions, leeks, shallots, scallions, and celery.
Almost every week from the beginning of March until the beginning of June there is something to plant, transplant, or prepare.
The week of March 7th get prepared by purchasing organic biodegradable planters, organic seeds, and organic potting soil.
The week of March 14th start romaine and iceberg lettuce inside.
The week of March 21st start hot peppers and bell peppers inside.
The week of March 28th start broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts inside.
The week of April 4th is a week of rest or a good time to get caught up on planting dates you have missed.
The week of April 11th start tomatoes inside. This is also the first week of outdoor planting. Start beets, carrots, peas, spinach, and turnip outdoors. You can also transplant your various types of lettuce and onion seedlings outside.
The weeks of April 18th and April 25th are good times to work outdoors and prepare the garden. Build and repair raised beds, get the compost pile ready for action, and rake and till the soil.
The week of May 2nd start indoors watermelon, muskmelon, pumpkins, cucumbers, and various squash.
May 3rd through May 31st is the time to put the finishing touches on your garden preparation. The garden will need to be ready for action on June 1st as it is the busiest planting day of the year. Hopefully, by this point, there is no longer a chance of frost. Start bush beans, pole beans, corn, and potatoes outdoors. Transplant out tomatoes, watermelon, muskmelon, pumpkins, cucumbers, and the various squash.

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