Friday, May 31, 2013

the garden today...

I was worried about trying to grow far so good.

We may have a salad soon, very excited about this.

The leaf lettuce is trying to get bigger!

Spinach!  hoping for much bigger before the heat makes it bolt lol

The peas are getting a "grip"!

These brassicas have sure grown, no heading yet....

cilantro starting to look like cilantro!

 Corn! and hopefully soon, beans!

Chard is coming along.


The first planted carrots are finally looking like...well...carrots!

Purple bush beans

Just beginning to germinate next to the corn.  going to hope that the really really wet weather doesn't dampen off the germination rate too much.

Asparagus, pumpkins, and sunflower craziness!

the pumpkins are coming along nicely, i relocated one or two and they seem to be holding up to that just fine.

The asparagus poking their heads up between the sunflowers and are getting ready to make fronds i do believe.  just another year or so and we should have some snacks!

these sunflowers are INSANE!

garden gate!

The beautiful sign Himself made has been put up....the paths are being laid is beginning to be so beautiful.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Year Of Food

Guidelines for how much to plant in the garden for a years worth of food:
1-4 plants per person
10-12 plants per person
 Beans, Bush
10-20 plants per person
 Beans, Lima
10-20 plants per person
 Beans, Pole
10-20 plants per person
10-20 plants per person
5-10 plants per person
 Brussels Sprouts
2-8 plants per person
3-10 plants per person
10-40 plants per person
3-5 plants per person
1-5 plants per person
3-8 plants per person
12-40 plants per person
3-5 plants per person
1 plant per person, plus 2-3 extra per family
1 5’ row per person
10-12 plants per person
2-6 plants per person
40-80 plants per person
25-60 plants per person
5-6 plants per person
10-30 plants per person
1 plant per person
2-3 crowns per person
10-20 plants per person
 Summer Squash 
2-4 plants per person
 Winter Squash
2 plants per person
 Sweet Potatoes
5 plants per person
2-5 plants per person

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Herbs and some random stuff.

Basil babies

Cilantro babies

More cilantro babies....mmmm salsa

I got free seeds in the mail today! now i have to figure out where to put a few! lol

Baby carrots....

our corn!

Salad soon?

the hops, already trying to outrun the trellis

the three sisters garden to be.

Beans....just to recall the seed i used.  These are kinda specific so the Monk can have some fun with them. 

Front beds.

The front beds are really an wild assortment of mostly perennials, some herbs, some volunteers and a few other things that have ended up here along with the brand new asparagus bed that is sharing with pumpkins this year (and sunflowers...lots of sunflowers!)

Put in some munstead lavender  the chances of it overwintering are slim to naught but will get some nice herb dried this year. 

the creeping thyme is already creeping.  Funny how thyme just always creeps up on one....

My true lavender which overwinters but is looking a bit sad this year and may need replacing.

Elephant garlic volunteers from a year or two ago

Regular garlic, also volunteers from a previous years planting, oddly enough this is the first year they have done really well.

Man they look like snacks...

iris getting ready to burst into flowers.

Hardy geranium, no flowers yet but it sure is bushy this year!

peony's.  These are great cause they started out as two sticks with a leaf!

Patty the peppermint is already trying valiantly to escape her confines.

the one remaining strawberry plant from last year.  I need to build a strawberry bed for next year i think.

Variegated mint, was struggling but appears to be catching up to himself fairly well.

Foxglove is putting out new leaves!  happy with her columbine friends.

columbine budding

chives are budding! 

volunteer violas! ha!