It is raining rather steadily today. Hoping that helps out the plants and seedlings. However, it did prevent me from taking many pictures today. Did not prevent me from doing a little planting.
Planted the English Thyme and Peppermint in the perennial bed out front today. the Thyme i am going to let just make itself comfortable, The peppermint (which we have named Patty) is of course partially contained in some chimney liner since peppermint has a tendency to not play well with others and to occasionally eat its friends.
I transplanted the celery into the ground today as well as the yellow, red and green sweet peppers. I planted some of the 4 foot corn into the square foot bed. Once it comes up i will be adding some purple beans. I also planted some basil seed into the bed with the tomatoes and peppers. I don't always do well with basil as i find it rather fitzy but it is worth a try to have at least a little fresh basil.
Once it has dried up a bit, because "rototilling mud isn't fun", will be making a 10X10ish patch behind the hops bed that will be a three sisters bed. While the original three sisters utilized corn for flour, dry beans and winter squash, I will be planting a nice tall, but early corn, Kentucky wonder green beans, and perhaps a few scarlet runner beans, and most likely some winter squash and/or pumpkins together in this bed. We have the space, seeds are cheap and i am interested to see the results that i get.
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